St. Martin School and Ecole Franco-Terrace

Community Comes Together

In the fall a proposal was submitted to the Aviva Community Fund  “ proposing the opportunity to provide free, hot, nutritious lunches 2-3 times a week to the students who attend St. Martin School and École Franco Terrace”.  A large portion of our population has been unemployed for an extensive time frame with no definite date when this situation will be rectified.   Therefore, we felt as a school community, if we could assist in this small way to alleviate some of the financial and emotional pressure the families are feeling within our small community, it would be a way to thank them for being a part of our community and allowing us to be a part of theirs.  Unfortunately, we were not one of the proposals chosen.  However, when one door closes another opens. 

The community members of Terrace Bay once again came together and sponsored hot lunches on a bi-weekly basis for the students of St. Martin School and Ecole Franco-Terrace.

The sponsorship began with St. Martin School Council and from there it took on a life of its own.  The sponsors included corporations and businesses such as CP Rail and Home Hardware, as well as individuals or families including the Brosseau, Desjardins, McBride, Falzetta, Ray, Gusola, Helmink, Scott and Godin families, Evelyn Falzetta, St. Martin School Council and Ecole Franco Terrace School Council.. These hot lunches would not have been possible without the support and generosity of these community members. 

What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other? George Eliot


Submitted by

Mandy Godin
St. Martin School
Terrace Bay

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