Supportive Housing Public Forum Draws a Crowd

The Terrace Bay Supportive Housing Committee hosted a public forum on Thursday January 19, 2012 and over 60 residents attended to hear what they had to say.  The night included an update by Mayor Michael King on the activities of the committee to date and more information by Special Projects Coordinator Sean Irwin on what some of the next steps would include.  Architect John Stephenson, from FORM Architecture who was hired to produce the feasibility study, also showed some conceptual drawings of what a unit could look like and how it would correspond to the two locations selected by the steering committee of the Former Legion site and the a green space on Beach Road.  Those in attendance had many questions for the presenters and the audience was asked at the end of the presentation to give their feedback on a new survey.  Survey questions included – basic demographic information as well as which location they preferred, which building type they recommended between apartment and cluster styles, how many bedroom units they preferred between 1 vs 2 bedroom, and much more.  CAO Carmelo Notarbartolo said “The attendance we received, on an especially cold night, really shows the importance of the issue to our residents.  We will now take the survey information and use it in the development of the feasibility study and in discussions with potential private sector partners.”  For more information on the Terrace Bay Supportive Housing Committee and their activities, visit     

Supportive Housing Public Forum in Terrace Bay

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