Our Lady of Fatima Set To Improve By Flying Higher Together

Student Leaders from Grades 5-8 collaborating to workshop their ideas together. Photos Dean Burke

Student Leaders from Grades 5-8 collaborating to workshop their ideas together. Photos Dean Burke

LONGLAC, ON – Throughout the past week, the parent community and students of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School have been working through a process of identifying what they expect from their school to help the school in its efforts to move into a better, brighter future. 

Every year schools develop “school improvement plans” that use various sources of data and teacher input to help set the course for change and growth that year.
This year, Our Lady of Fatima is looking to make a School Improvement Plan that will fit the schools new motto – “Flying Higher Together” by including authentic student and parent voice.
The Catholic School & Parent Council met on Wednesday, October 7 for the first time and, with the help of members Lori Gamache, Sheri Taylor, Julie Bouchard, Marlene Clark, Liliana McPherson, and Samantha Brown, identified a  series of important responses to the question “”. 
The next day at lunch, 30 student leaders from Grade 5-8 spent their lunch hour work shopping a similar question, “What matters most to you in a school that you choose to attend?” The responses have been tremendous and the collaboration demonstrated by these two groups has been awe inspiring. 
As we bring the process to a close, we’ll be asking school staff to go through the same process so we can combine the results and look for commonalities and develop an action plan. 
The Falcons of Our Lady of Fatima truly are flying higher together!

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