Manitouwadge Public School Celebrates Family Literacy Day

MANITOUWADGE, ON -‘Play for Literacy’ was this year’s theme for our annual Family Literacy Day yesterday, January 27.  Everyone gathered in the gym to celebrate this event with a game of Simon says; a healthy way to sharpen listening skills and a fun way to exercise.  This was followed by Brain Gym presented to us by Mrs. Kuczynski and her grade 4/5 students.  Brain Gym is a series of movements and exercises that motivate both sides of the brain.   After being well motivated with brain and body exercises the students settled down for some Buddy Reading. 

Books and magazines chosen by the students, as well as library displays, allowed both young and old time to relax and sharpen their literacy skills.  A fun way for parents to promote literacy at home would be for you and your child to follow a recipe together, have your child count out the change when making a purchase, introduce a family board game night where your child is encouraged to read the instructions out loud.  Literacy is one of the many areas in which MPS is striving to make sure your child comes out on top!


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