‘National’ Information

Premier’s Statement on St-Jean-Baptiste Day

Premier’s Statement on St-Jean-Baptiste Day

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne released the following statement on St-Jean-Baptiste Day in Ontario: “On behalf of the Government of Ontario, I want to wish everyone a Happy St-Jean-Baptiste Day. This is a day to commemorate the vital role the Francophone community has played in the Canadian [Read more]

Lamb Island Lighthouse Designated Heritage Lighthouse

Lamb Island Lighthouse Designated Heritage Lighthouse

OTTAWA, ON — Today MP Bruce Hyer released the following statement regarding the designation of heritage lighthouses under the Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act: “Community groups that work to protect our heritage lighthouses and curate an important part of Canada’s maritime history have [Read more]

Letter to the Editor: Don’t let it happen to you!

Letter to the Editor: Don’t let it happen to you!

Every year, The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program enrols kids from across the country, due to lawn mower accidents that could have been prevented. A few seconds of fun in the wrong place changed their lives forever. Thank you for reading this important message. Dear Editor, When it comes to [Read more]

Self-policing just isn’t working for the Senate

Self-policing just isn’t working for the Senate

The Auditor General is recommending the RCMP investigate the spending of 9 more Senators and has fingered another 21 for improper use of their office budgets.  This is happening against the back-drop of the Mike Duffy trial which has soured the country significantly on the Red Chamber. Among the [Read more]

Dealing with Market Volatility

Dealing with Market Volatility

Although it’s understood that stock markets fluctuate, volatility still makes investors uneasy.  Unfortunately, nervousness about market turbulence can cause them to make short-term decisions with detrimental impacts on long-term portfolio performance. Investors hastily sell but are usually [Read more]

Pan Am Games Torch Relay Crosses Northshore May 31 & June 1

Pan Am Games Torch Relay Crosses Northshore May 31 & June 1

Pan Am flame will visit Fort William First Nation, morning celebration at Thunder Bay City Hall and evening celebration at Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre TORONTO, ON – Sunday, May 31, Day 2 of the Pan Am Games Torch Relay presented by President’s Choice® and OLG, the Pan Am flame will [Read more]

Canadian Students Win Top 2 Prizes At International Secondary School Science Fair

Canadian Students Win Top 2 Prizes At International Secondary School Science Fair

From the Editor:Thanks to one of ONN’s readers, scroll down to the comments below the article to learn about the Northwestern Ontario connection to this story! From: Society for Science and the Public The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), a program of Society for [Read more]

Dubreuilville To Host 2015 Canadian Strongest Man Championship

Dubreuilville To Host 2015 Canadian Strongest Man Championship

Submitted by Réjean Raymond Dubreuilville, ON – The Strongman Challenge Dubreuilville Committee announced today that they will host the Canadian Strongest Man Championship September 11, 12 & 13, 2015. The Strongman Challenge Dubreuilville Committee is proud to have finalized & agreed to [Read more]

#NipigonBay : Old Photos Demonstrate Local Efforts

#NipigonBay : Old Photos Demonstrate Local Efforts

View the slideshow at: http://infosuperior.com and decide for yourself if progress has been made to improve environmental conditions in Nipigon Bay. Make your opinion known at the Nipigon Bay Remedial Action Plan (RAP, or cleanup plan)  open house on May 7th. The event runs from 5 to 8 p.m. at [Read more]

Celebrating Home Grown Films

Celebrating Home Grown Films

Reel Canada, a non-profit cinema-supporting organization, has declared April 29th National Canadian Film Day. It’s the 2nd year National Canadian Film Day is celebrated and ‘The Grand Seduction‘, a film set in Newfoundland, topped the roster as the fan-favourite requested for [Read more]

First Nations Rally in Pic Mobert Against Nuclear Waste

First Nations Rally in Pic Mobert Against Nuclear Waste

PIC MOBERT FIRST NATION – “Today I had the honour and privilege to speak at a rally with a number of great speakers, leaders and community activists. The message was: NO TO NUCLEAR WASTE in their treaty, traditional lands,” stated Serpent River Chief Isadore Day. “As First Nations, we do [Read more]

Waste free Lunch Challenge

Waste free Lunch Challenge

TERRACE BAY, ON – The Grade 1/2 class of St. Martin School exhibited their environmental awareness, ensuring that they reduced their ecological footprint on our Earth and emerged as the winning class of the waste free lunch challenge. The Grade 8 class created a grass roots project with the [Read more]

MONEY$ WORTH : Taking advantage of dividend reinvestment plans

MONEY$ WORTH : Taking advantage of dividend reinvestment plans

Wise investors have dividend-paying investments in their portfolios and, if they don’t require the income, are even wiser to consider dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs). Instead of delivering cash payouts, DRIPs reinvest the money to purchase additional shares. There are many advantages.  To [Read more]

The high cost of making the government look good

The high cost of making the government look good

When the government cries broke when faced with common sense decisions like supporting passenger services on the ACR (while stakeholders find a permanent solution to a government-created crisis) that claim should be viewed through the lens of their huge and growing advertising budget.  Spending [Read more]

NWMO Concludes Studies In Schreiber

NWMO Concludes Studies In Schreiber

The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is concluding preliminary assessment work in two communities engaged in learning about Adaptive Phased Management (APM), Canada’s plan for the long-term management of used nuclear fuel. New geological studies in the vicinity of Creighton, [Read more]

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