Posts Tagged ‘acupuncture’

Une médecine traditionnelle chinoise réglementée, sûre et renforcée

Une médecine traditionnelle chinoise réglementée, sûre et renforcée

Le nouveau gouvernement de l’Ontario réglemente les options de soins de santé L’Ontario rend les services de médecine traditionnelle chinoise et d’acupuncture plus sécuritaires en s’assurant que seuls les praticiens réglementés et qualifiés peuvent offrir ces services. À [Read more]

Strengthening Safe, Regulated Traditional Chinese Medicine

Strengthening Safe, Regulated Traditional Chinese Medicine

New Ontario Government Regulating Health Care Options Ontario is making traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture services safer by ensuring that only regulated and qualified practitioners deliver these services. Starting April 1, 2013, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture practitioners [Read more]

Acupuncture appointment…

Acupuncture appointment…

To say I was dissapointed would be such an understatement… Thursday (day before the appointment) I spoke with the acupuncturist, to talk to her about the possibility of me being late. I explained to her that since I am not on a schedule (my doctor refuses to order my pain meds as being [Read more]

Living with MS – 05.18.09

I am pretty much in the same shape these days as I have been all year other than 3 good weeks in March when the IV Steroids I received successfully reduced my symptoms (fatigue, pain, weakness in legs, etc).  I go to the hospital for dilaudid injections to make the bone/muscle pain (neuropathic [Read more]

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