Posts Tagged ‘baby boomers’

Health Care Could Become Unsustainable Says MP Carol Hughes

Health Care Could Become Unsustainable Says MP Carol Hughes

The Parliamentary Budget Office released a report that explains the cost to eliminating the federal deficit in Canada, but it is not likely to please many Canadians, especially younger ones. According to the PBO the federal debt will be eliminated over the next 35 years, but the outlook isn’t so [Read more]

Carol en Contemplation “Le fléau de la pauvreté”

Carol en Contemplation “Le fléau de la pauvreté”

Nul n’ignore la forte corrélation entre pauvreté et longévité. C’est l’une des principales lacunes dans le raisonnement avancé par le gouvernement pour expliquer son intention de hausser l’âge d’admissibilité à la Sécurité de la vieillesse. Malheureusement, le gouvernement [Read more]

Hughes on Headlines “The scourge of poverty”

Hughes on Headlines “The scourge of poverty”

It is well established that poverty has a strong correlation with life expectancy.  It is one of the big holes in the government’s reasoning behind their plan to increase the age of eligibility for OAS. The government used numbers that tied the life expectancy of wealthier baby boomers to the [Read more]

MONEY’$ WORTH – Examining The Merits of Dividend Investing

MONEY’$ WORTH – Examining The Merits of Dividend Investing

Kim Inglis, CIM, PFP, FCSI, AIFP is an Investment Advisor & Portfolio Manager with Canaccord Wealth Management, a division of Canaccord Genuity Corp., Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Read her column “Money’$ Worth” every other week here on [Read more]

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