Posts Tagged ‘birds’

Helping Communities Restore Habitats for Fish, Wildlife and Plants

Helping Communities Restore Habitats for Fish, Wildlife and Plants

Ontario Government Continues to Protect Biodiversity Ontario is working with community groups, conservation organizations and municipalities to protect plants, forests, streams and wetlands and restore habitats for fish and wildlife. This year, through the Land Stewardship and Habitat Restoration [Read more]

God’s beauty, all around us!

God’s beauty, all around us!

Our birdfeeder in the front yard has become a rather popular spot for the birds on the street lol. In spite of the crows and ravens  liking it, the little birds still come freequently as well. It has been raining often lately and so I pulled it closer to the house (front living room window) [Read more]

Natural Science – Feb.26.09

Natural Science – Feb.26.09

Bird feeders Emeraude & I begun yesterday then completed & hung this morning. It was a lot of fun and she is beautiful. There is a post I have begun writing about this and then the unfortunate events that occurred later in our day but I am too angry & just downright sad for both [Read more]

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