Posts Tagged ‘Darlene Cross’

#MunicipalElections : Marathon Candidates

#MunicipalElections : Marathon Candidates

Monday, October 22, 2018 Ontario residents go to the polls to elect their municipal representatives. In Marathon, though Mayor Rick Dumas has been acclaimed for a fourth term, voters still need to choose four (4) councillors, serve on their Town Council, from among the following candidates: Darlene [Read more]

Marathon Mayor Rick Dumas Remains Unchallenged, 7 Vying For Councillor Positions

Marathon Mayor Rick Dumas Remains Unchallenged, 7 Vying For Councillor Positions

MARATHON, ON – It’s that time again, the 2014 municipal electoral race may begin heating up in Marathon as registration for those seeking election has closed and there are nearly double the number of candidates for positions as Town Councillors as there as there are seats to fill. [Read more]

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