Posts Tagged ‘Dave Seglem past president of Saganaga Ontario Association of Resort and Property Owners receives award from Firie Smart Program’

East & West Regions Forest Fire Situation Update

East & West Regions Forest Fire Situation Update

East Fire Region July 20, 2010 No new fires were reported on July 19. Two fires have been confirmed today, July 20. Sudbury 127, in the Garson area, is 0.1 hectares in size. Chapleau 30 is a lightning fire in the Montreal River area that is not under control at 4.5 hectares in size. There [Read more]

East & West Fire Regions Forest fire situation update

East & West Fire Regions Forest fire situation update

East Fire Region July 20, 2010 One new fire was reported on July 20. Sudbury 127, in the Skead Road area, was 0.1 hectares in size and has been called out. Campfires are part of enjoying the outdoors, however, each year campfires cause many wildfires. To ensure your campfire doesn’t become a [Read more]

East & West Region Forest Fire Situation Update

East & West Region Forest Fire Situation Update

  West Fire Region Sunday, July 18, 2010 There were no new fires in the region for the third second day in a row. The forest fire hazard is low to moderate across the northwestern Ontario. On July 3rd, Kip Miller, a Fire Operations Supervisor from the Thunder Bay Fire Management Headquarters, had [Read more]

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