Posts Tagged ‘debt’

6 Ways to Reduce Debt

6 Ways to Reduce Debt

Pay at least the minimum on each debt. Each month, pay off as much of your debt as you can. At least pay the minimum you owe on each loan. This will protect your credit rating. If you can afford to pay more, pay down the loan with the highest interest rate first. As you pay [Read more]

The impact of investor emotions

The impact of investor emotions

A BMO Psychology of Investing report revealed some worrisome data on investor emotions that included; two-thirds of those polled have not been in total control of their emotions when investing and; a majority of Canadians have invested on impulse at least once. That’s bad news for portfolios [Read more]

CTF Kicks Off Ontario Debt Clock Tour On Northshore (Incl.Video)

CTF Kicks Off Ontario Debt Clock Tour On Northshore (Incl.Video)

THUNDER BAY, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) launched a 56- community, 28-day tour of Ontario with the provincial Debt Clock. The tour aims to draw public attention to the overspending and unsustainable debt at Queen’s Park. “Ontario’s debt grows by almost a billion dollars each [Read more]

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