Posts Tagged ‘Longlac High School’

75 Years Of Fish And Game In Greenstone

75 Years Of Fish And Game In Greenstone

Geraldton Club Compiles Its History by Edgar J. Lavoie In May 1939, sporting people launched the Geraldton Fish and Game Association.  Seventy-five years later, Kenogamisis Fish and Game Conservation carries on the tradition. Monday, August 4th, the Fish and Game held an open house at its lodge [Read more]

NSSSAA Curling Finals Underway in Geraldton

NSSSAA Curling Finals Underway in Geraldton

The 2011-2012 Curling Finals will be held in Curling Country-Geraldton on February 27th and February 28th. GERALDTON, ON – The 2011-2012 Curling Finals are being held in Curling Country- Geraldton on today, February 27th, and tomorrow, February 28th. Action got underway at 2pm this afternoon. [Read more]

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