Posts Tagged ‘Minister of Finance Charles Sousa’

Ontario’s 2016 Budget Commits to Investments Benefitting the North

Ontario’s 2016 Budget Commits to Investments Benefitting the North

KAPUSKASING, ON ‐ The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) sees many benefits for Northern municipalities in 2016 Ontario Budget which was announced on February 25th by Minister of Finance, Charles Sousa. The government committed to significant infrastructure investments outside [Read more]

Strong Demand for Ontario’s First Green Bond

Strong Demand for Ontario’s First Green Bond

Nearly $2.4 Billion in Orders for the $500 Million Offering Ontario has successfully launched a green bond program with a bond issue of $500 million, making it the first government in Canada to issue green bonds.  There was strong demand for Ontario’s first green bond, with orders [Read more]

Lowest Gas Prices in Northshore AND Greenstone
Ontario Gas Prices provided by