Posts Tagged ‘Northern Ontario DJ’

DJ Sai Tremblay’s Teen Town Expirement a Success (+Video)

DJ Sai Tremblay’s Teen Town Expirement a Success (+Video)

RED ROCK, ON – Saturday, March 19th DJs Sai Tremblay and D-on McCauley, aka Deviant-1, welcomed local teens to a party at Teen Town that they are sure to be talking about for weeks to come.  Tremblay organized the dance as an ‘expirement’ to feel out local interest in the type [Read more]

Bringing Montréal Clubbing to the NorthShore

Bringing Montréal Clubbing to the NorthShore

RED ROCK , ON – Last October, Mayor Gary Nelson spoke with about the revival of Teen Town (CLICK HERE for that video interview); since that time Teen Town has been officially re-started, directed by a volunteer executive of teens that came forward.  Now, it may be [Read more]

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