Posts Tagged ‘red rock indian band news’

Career Fair Exceeds Expectations

Career Fair Exceeds Expectations

1st Annual Red Rock Indian Band Carreer Fair NIPIGON, ON – Wednesday, September 15th, rhythmic Pow Wow drumming echoed through the Nipigon Arena today sounding off Day 1 of the First Annual Red Rock Indian Band Career Fair,  keeping participants and visitors entertained and enthused.  [Read more]

Nipigon & Red Rock Indian Band Sign MOU

Nipigon & Red Rock Indian Band Sign MOU

Memorandum of Understanding signed by Township of Nipigon and Red Rock Indian Band NIPIGON, ON –  The Red Rock Indian Band and the Township of Nipigon have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. This MOU provides a positive example of cooperation between communities in the interest of [Read more]

Grand Opening – Paddle to the Sea

Grand Opening – Paddle to the Sea

Dreams Come True as Nipigon Opens Paddle to the Sea Park   (Nipigon, ON) Despite a bit of chilly weather, the opening of the Paddle-to-the-Sea Park was well attended and enjoyed international participation with a wooden Paddle-to-the-Sea carving sent all the way to Northwestern Ontario from [Read more]

UPDATE – Northshore Relay Life

UPDATE – Northshore Relay Life

Northshore Relay for Life in need of Sponsors by Karina Hunter The Northshore Relay for Life committee, 14 volunteers chaired by Suzanne Matheson, met in Manitouwadge at the boardroom of the General Hospital Tuesday evening to discuss progress and identify tasks yet to be assigned to a specific [Read more]

ER Nurses Improving Access To Care

ER Nurses Improving Access To Care

McGuinty Government Reducing Time Paramedics Spend In Hospitals, Creating Jobs Ontario is helping hospitals create more nursing positions dedicated to assisting patients who arrive in emergency rooms (ERs) by ambulance. The province is providing $9.6 million for municipalities to create over 90 [Read more]

Copper Kings Awards Photos

Copper Kings Awards Photos

  MMHA Season Ends by April Robinson and Karina Hunter   Saturday May 1st, Manitouwadge Minor Hockey Association (MMHA) hosted their annual year-end banquet at the Recreation Centre auditorium. Parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents and most especially hockey players of all shapes and sizes [Read more]

Making Construction Sites Safer

Making Construction Sites Safer

May 13, 2010 2:20 PM McGuinty Government Enforcement Blitz Helping Reduce Falls Hazards Ontario is taking additional action to improve the safety of workers on construction sites by increasing enforcement of violations and enhancing awareness of safety measures. The province is implementing new [Read more]

Strengthening Ontario’s Not-for-Profit Sector

Strengthening Ontario’s Not-for-Profit Sector

May 12, 2010 3:30 PM McGuinty Government Introduces Not-For-Profit Corporations Act Ontario is taking action to make it easier for not-for-profit corporations to operate and do business in today’s marketplace while strengthening the economy and creating jobs. Ontario’s not-for-profit [Read more]

From the Editor…

From the Editor…

  From the Editor… It has been just 6 short weeks since the regional launch of and I couldn’t be more pleased with the response I’ve received across the Northshore!   Since March, I’ve welcomed many new contributors from across the region that provide a wide range of [Read more]

Lowest Gas Prices in Northshore AND Greenstone
Ontario Gas Prices provided by