Posts Tagged ‘Senator Duffy’

Hughes on Headlines “Prorogation marks desperate attempt to change the channel”

Hughes on Headlines “Prorogation marks desperate attempt to change the channel”

If you watched Question Period during the last five weeks parliament sat in the spring, you didn’t see much of the Prime Minister.  When Stephen Harper was around over that stretch, it was anything but smooth sailing.  Day after day he faced a tough line of questioning from Tom Mulcair about [Read more]

“Even friends with deep pockets can’t remove the stink of entitlement” Says Hughes

“Even friends with deep pockets can’t remove the stink of entitlement” Says Hughes

“We must clean up corruption and lift the veils of secrecy that allow it to flourish.  We must do nothing less than replace the culture of entitlement with the culture of accountability.” That was Stephen Harper’s opinion only one year before he became Prime Minister.  Much has changed [Read more]

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