Posts Tagged ‘Society of Canadian Limnologists’

A Temporary Reprieve For Canada’s Experimental Lakes Area:

A Temporary Reprieve For Canada’s Experimental Lakes Area:

FROM: Prof. Jules Blais, President of the Society of Canadian Limnologists OTTAWA, ON –  Canada’s aquatic science community is committed to the continuity of the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) in Northwestern Ontario, despite the federal government’s decision to end its support of the [Read more]

Minister Shea tries, unsuccessfully, to defend cancellation of Experimental Lakes Area science program

Minister Shea tries, unsuccessfully, to defend cancellation of Experimental Lakes Area science program

FROM: Coalition to Save ELA OTTAWA, ON – Yesterday, Acting Fisheries Minister Gale Shea fumbled through questions to explain the unsound decision by the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) to cancel its Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) program. Over six months have passed since the [Read more]

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