Posts Tagged ‘Sudbury’

Letter to the Editor : Northern Ontario Passenger Rail

Letter to the Editor : Northern Ontario Passenger Rail

Trains Needed Outside of Toronto The recent launch of the UP Express to move travelers via rail from Pearson Airport to downtown Toronto is a good move to ease traffic congestion and pollution in Canada’s largest city. All levels of government in Ontario now need to demonstrate the same [Read more]

Les études sur les lacs soutiennent la gestion des pêches dans le Nord-Est

Les études sur les lacs soutiennent la gestion des pêches dans le Nord-Est

NORD-EST, ON – Cet été, les équipes des pêches du ministère des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts mèneront des études sur certains lacs de l’Ontario. Ils y surveilleront les populations de poissons, prendront des échantillons d’eau et chercheront à détecter les espèces [Read more]

Lake Surveys Help Manage Fisheries in the Northeast

Lake Surveys Help Manage Fisheries in the Northeast

Fisheries crews from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry will be on Ontario’s lakes this summer monitoring fish populations, taking water samples, and checking for invasive species. If you’re on a lake that is being monitored and see buoys showing the Ontario logo, please don’t [Read more]

Mantha’s News from the Park : Healthcare & Gov’t Accountability

Mantha’s News from the Park : Healthcare & Gov’t Accountability

In Northern Ontario we know all too well the challenges we face with access to healthcare.  Many have to travel long distances for care, and at a time when there seems to be continuous cuts to services, and wasted millions it becomes extremely frustrating. This week my colleague and NDP Health [Read more]

News from the Park : Ornge, Gas Plants, Email Deletions & Sudbury Bribery Scandal

News from the Park : Ornge, Gas Plants, Email Deletions & Sudbury Bribery Scandal

QUEEN’S PARK, ON – The legislature returned this week to turmoil and scandals once again.  The present liberal government is embroiled in three separate OPP investigations for Ornge, Gas Plants email deletions, and the recent Sudbury bribery scandal. Thursday, minutes before question [Read more]

NOMFA Is Back! Accepting Nominations for 2015 Awards

NOMFA Is Back! Accepting Nominations for 2015 Awards

NORTHERN ONTARIO MUSIC AND FILM AWARDS 2015 will mark the return of the Northern Ontario Music and Film Awards (NOMFA). As of 2015, the NOMFA will be held on a biennial basis, with the next event being held in May 2017. In 2008, Music and Film in Motion (MFM) launched the NOMFA conference in [Read more]

Faire progresser l’Ontario

Faire progresser l’Ontario

Au cours de l’actuelle session, le gouvernement a adopté 9 projets de loi Aujourd’hui, les travaux de la présente session de l’Assemblée législative de l’Ontario ont pris fin et le gouvernement a fait d’importants progrès dans la mise en œuvre de son plan en quatre [Read more]

Building Ontario Up

Building Ontario Up

Government Passed Nine of Its Bills During Current Session The current sitting of the Ontario legislature wrapped up today, with the government making significant progress on implementing its four-part plan for Ontario. Since the session began in July, the government passed nine bills to improve [Read more]

Visiteuse magique à l’École Publique Franco-Manitou

Visiteuse magique à l’École Publique Franco-Manitou

MANITOUWADGE, ON – C’est avec joie que les élèves de l’École publique Franco-Manitou ont retrouvé leur lutine de Noël cette semaine.   La lutine, qui s’appelle Miss Madame, se promène la nuit, très espiègle et coquine, jouant des tours dans les classes. Les élèves [Read more]

Northeastern Ontario Construction Wraps-Up for the Season

Northeastern Ontario Construction Wraps-Up for the Season

Highway Construction Improves Roads, Bridges and Creates Jobs in Northeastern Ontario Ontario continues to expand and improve highways throughout Northern Ontario, creating and sustaining more than 5,500 construction jobs while making travel safer and more efficient for families, visitors and [Read more]

FONOM’s Call for Safer Northern Highways is Being Heard.

FONOM’s Call for Safer Northern Highways is Being Heard.

Th Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) commends the provincial government for recognizing the need to expand the time frame in which northern drivers can use studded tires. Studded tire use had been permitted from October 1st to April 30th and as weather conditions in northern [Read more]

Northern Ontario Drivers Get Studded Tire Extension

Northern Ontario Drivers Get Studded Tire Extension

Ontario Government Committed to Keeping Drivers Safe Drivers who live in northern Ontario can now put on studded tires earlier and keep them on longer, providing motorists with more options to stay safe during severe or extended winter weather. Northern Ontario residents can now use studded tires [Read more]

L’EMNO engage les communautés dans la planification stratégique

L’EMNO engage les communautés dans la planification stratégique

Ensemble, l’École de médecine du Nord de l’Ontario (EMNO), la population et les communautés du Nord de l’Ontario créent un plan stratégique pour les années 2015-2020. De mai à septembre 2014, le Dr Roger Strasser, le doyen et directeur général de l’EMNO, le Dr David Marsh, le doyen [Read more]

NOSM Engages Communities in Strategic Planning – Here’s Your Turn

NOSM Engages Communities in Strategic Planning – Here’s Your Turn

Together, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and the people and communities of Northern Ontario are creating a Strategic Plan for the School for the years 2015-2020. From May to September 2014, NOSM’s Dean and CEO Dr. Roger Strasser, Associate Dean of Community Engagement and Senior [Read more]



SUPPORT OF NORTHERN ONTARIO TOURISM SUDBURY, ON – The Government of Canada, through the Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario (FedNor) is investing in the expansion of Dynamic Earth, a major tourist attraction and tourism driver for the North. The project will also benefit [Read more]

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