Posts Tagged ‘taxes’

MONEY$ WORTH: Examining a common tax planning investment

MONEY$ WORTH: Examining a common tax planning investment

As Canadian investors contemplate tax season, they think about efficiency.  Do I pay too much in taxes?  How can I minimize them?  One answer comes in the form of flow-through shares, which provide a legitimate tax-assisted investment vehicle to save or defer taxes. Flow-through shares are a [Read more]

The price of inequality

The price of inequality

An Oxfam report this week showed that one percent of the world’s population will control half of the world’s wealth by 2016.  It also explained how the world’s richest 80 individuals have as much wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion people combined.  While this may sound inevitable, given [Read more]

“Is CPP disability turning into a tax grab?” MP Carol Hughes

“Is CPP disability turning into a tax grab?” MP Carol Hughes

People who had been denied federal disability benefits were thrown a curve ball as new rules have stripped them of their right to have an appeal in person.   Where in the past individuals were able to meet face to face with an adjudicator, they will no longer be legally entitled to this method of [Read more]

Impact of U.S. Estate Tax on Canadians by Kim Inglis

Impact of U.S. Estate Tax on Canadians by Kim Inglis

Canadian residents, who die owning assets such as vacation properties in the United States or stocks in U.S. companies, may be subject to U.S. estate taxes.  For tax purposes, assets include real and tangible personal property situated in the U.S., shares of U.S securities and units of U.S. mutual [Read more]

#MoneysWorth by Kim Inglis : Snowbirds & U.S. Taxes

#MoneysWorth by Kim Inglis : Snowbirds & U.S. Taxes

TD Economics reports that more than 500,000 Canadians spend significant periods of time in the United States.  These individuals may be unaware that a Canadian can be deemed a U.S. person and subject to U.S. tax filing requirements if holding certain investment vehicles. The definition of a U.S. [Read more]

Money$ Worth : Tax efficient investing

Money$ Worth : Tax efficient investing

  As Benjamin Franklin said, “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”  Fortunately for some Canadian investors, the latter can be controlled.  For those investing outside their registered plans, corporate class funds offer a tax efficient means of [Read more]

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