Posts Tagged ‘Wawa Ontario community groups’

Wawa Goose Seniors’ Club – Goose Droppings

Wawa Goose Seniors’ Club – Goose Droppings

Fall is fast approaching and the Drop In is back to the regular: committees meet, the executive meets and the general meeting for September was held on the 14th. The executive, despite an election in June is the same. So you have two years to get it together and become a member! We do hope [Read more]

Wawa Goose Seniors Club : 400+ Turkey Pies, Upcoming Bazaar & Christmas Dinner

Wawa Goose Seniors Club : 400+ Turkey Pies, Upcoming Bazaar & Christmas Dinner

November, no matter the weather, is a busy time of year for many clubs and groups.  Fundraising comes with much volunteering of time and goods of all sorts. Bake sales, teas and brunches, bazaars and other get-togethers have many people doing many extra things with their time and energy.  And the [Read more]

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