Posts Tagged ‘Wilkes Terrace’

Act of Love

Act of Love

TERRACE BAY, ON – “Happiness is only real when shared”.  St. Martin Student Council decided to share their love and happiness with the residents of Wilkes Terrace during February, the month of love. The Student Council members thoughtfully created unique Valentine’s Day cards, in [Read more]

Terrace Bay Targeting Thunder Bay Retirees

Terrace Bay Targeting Thunder Bay Retirees

As part of the Townships regular efforts to attract new residents, the Municipality has initiated a target marketing campaign to potential Thunder Bay retirees.  Terrace Bay developed advertising in the Chronicle Journal New Horizons insert in the middle of September with the goal of reaching out [Read more]

Raise the Roof for St. Martin Church

Raise the Roof for St. Martin Church

The JK/SK class of Mrs. Brosseau and the Grade 7/8 class of Mrs. Godin, in conjunction with student council, teamed up to answer their call for service by putting their faith into action through joint initiatives. Collaboratively they fundraised to assist their parish, St. Martin, with a new roof . [Read more]

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