Taking another hit…

Well, I think I may be paying for our trip to t.bay last week (I like to think up excuses for my exacerbations when I can lol). Draggin’ my old carcass around the last two (or 3) days and today dealing with alot of pain in my arms and legs… Monday I was lucky that Christie happened to be at the family place because I lost most of my vision while there and had she not been nice enough to drive the van home (with baby & I in it of course) i would’ve had to find my dad to pick us up which is always a little frustrating and disimpowering…
Tried to get some info regarding my possible chemo treatments that I had discussed with my neurologist in February but not having much luck, mostly just being given the run around and left messages regarding mri’s, emg’s and muscle biopsies – I KNOW, I HAVE TESTS this month, enough already… can we do something progressive for a change and maybe work at trying to fight some of the effects of this stupid illness *growling girl*…
The following are comments posted to the original note on facebook (I feel it important to include these as they are such a big part of my making it through the difficult times):
 Angela Riley at 8:20pm April 5
im sorry to hear that you struggle so hard but im also very impressed by the strength you have….to care for kids healthy is hard but youmake it look easy…your kids are very lucky to have such a great mom…but im sure you feel very lucky to have great kids….just so you know you give me strength and make me want to be a better mom…i wish you luck with your treatments.and keep writing to us…keep us in line and make us remember how lucky we are…by the way lloyd is huge…what a great looking boy and your little girl is a beauty…talk to you soon
Gerry Courtemanche at 12:04pm April 11
Karina, You are an inspiration. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up fighting for your rights and don’t get lost between the cracks.
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