Family Place Fun

I was in pretty bad shape this morning but really wanted Emeraude to have some

fun in spite of this… I went to the hospital as early as I could stand on my wobbly legs for an injection of pain meds and then the cab was picking us up to go to the family place (they provide coupons for a free taxi to and from which is really great – wish the government saw the use in these for trips to the hospital!). In the taxi I asked Emeraude, what’s a girl to do when she wants to have fun? she replied “go to the Family Place” which gave us a good chuckle at how clever she was.

Emeraude was hesitant to play with the other kids but when the programmer, Kelly, anounced ‘circle time’ Emeraude did not hesitate to race to the carpet. Kelly really does have a talent for capturing the kids with her reading and making any book come to life.

This day she was using a cube which each of the children have a turn to throw, whichever side it lands on, Kelly takes out the card that is there and we sing/act the accompanying song. Emeraude really enjoys this (I think all the kids do) and it takes out the element of any of the children arguing about which song they may want to hear/sign.

It turned out to be a really great way to spend an hour, we both enjoyed ourselves and I was able to sit for most of it making my sore legs no issue. There are Ontario Early Years Centres in most towns and I recomend them to anyone one with children as they have programs for most ages (not just the little ones)… I know ours has an “introduction to cooking” class coming up for 5 to 10 year olds that I wish included Emeraude’s age because she certainly would enjoy it, I’m thinking to ask if there is any extra room or if she might be able to sign up in spite of her age as she is quite accustomed to cooking/baking already.


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