Snowshoeing & Skiing Saturday

snowshoe-2Emeraude’s weekend was quite eventful and she had a lot

of fun with Daddy.  Friday night Emeraude and I had our movie night, ate popcorn and cuddled on the couch as is our tradition.  Lloyd had plans with friends and had opted out but only after we had supper and making sure Emeraude & I were well settled in for our ‘party’.

I so enjoy watching movies with her. We snuggled close, I give her massages, she likes to brush my hair, we talk about our week (she had Nursery School this morning and they had been “bakers” so there was alot to tell) and her plans for the weekend.

snowshoe-3Daniel was back from work in Kapuskasing again despite having been invited down south by his relatives. I was very proud of him (that’s an understatement) to have for the first time, opted out of one of these trips


Being away so much for work these days and last weekend being the first in months that he had Emeraude sleepover, it would’ve been quite dificult for her to not see him for 2 weeks had he gone.  But he didn’t and she was THRILLED. The two of them certainly made the most of it together!

snowshoe-1Saturday morning, in spite of -29 c temperatures (that’ssnowshoe-8 without the wind chill) Emeraude called Daddy to ask if he wanted to go snowshoeing. I had brought her earlier in the week and she was very much looking forward to showing Daddy her skills.  He didn’t hesitate to say yes and I got busy bundling her up. She needed to be well layered and I was concerened about her fragile skin being frostbitten so added her goggles to the outfit to make sure she had no skin showing.

snowshoe-5After they left, I thought it would be a shame for them to be braving such ridiculous wheather and have no memory of it so got myslef into my snow suit and headed out to find them.  What a sight when I did! They were parked behing the old high school where there are some trails through the bush that Emeraude had remembered bringing us through in the fall.  Daniel had borrowed a pair of snowshoes from Uncle Craig which had Emeraude tickled pink – I had just been in my boots when she & I went out snowshoeing which of course was a little lame as I could not keep up with her continually sinking in the snow well past my knees.

Last look back...

Last look back...

She was very excited.  There was so much to see, she was investigating the small trees sticking out of the snow.  Her and her father were having a very serious discussion about which way they would go and other aspects of their plan.  I mentioned to her that she was quite lucky to have a Daddy willing to brave the elements on such a day and was not shy about adding that I would not be staying long as I was not so brave (this seem to make her all the more proud as she realized it meant she was quite brave and tough too).  They began heading in, I could hear talk of birds and which animals might be hibernating, which they might have the opportunity to see.

About 40 minutes later, back at home, I  

Into the wilderness, Emeraude guides Daddy through the snow.

Into the wilderness, Emeraude guides Daddy through the snow.

receive a phone call from Daniel.  They are still parked behind the high school but with one detail changed… They were now quite hung up on a snowbank as he had, trying to impress his date, gone a little too far and overestimated the abilities of his 4×4, hee hee. I could hear Emeraude singing behind him happy as could be. Apparently Uncle Craig had already been called and was on his way to come tow them out in a little while.  I suggested to Daniel that this might be a good time for the birthday call he had wanted Emeraude to make to his Mom as there were no distractions and plenty of time! hahaaha

Two thumbs up!

Two thumbs up!

I didn’t hear from them again until later that afternoon when it was time for me to meet them at the Kiwissa Ski Club. It was now my turn to get snowy, Emeraude wanted to go skiing and bring her Dad with her to show him how well she could ski this year.

Her efforts were not wasted as Daniel kept saying “but she’s only THREE! I can’t believe it!”.  We had headed up to the bunny as soon as we go our skiis on and Emeraude did great!  At one point, as her Dad performed for us taking a ‘jump’ over a small mound

Daddy walks up next to Emeraude who wanted to go up on her own.

Daddy walks up next to Emeraude who wanted to go up on her own.

Emeraude, quite impressed, decided she would not be outdone and so hand in hand we followed suit and skied over the jump also. She had realized (or maybe just took the name ‘jump’ quite litterally) that he had physically jumped when skiing over the obstacle and so did the same and actually got air!!! Her skiis lifted a good 6 inches and somehow we (she & I ) managed to keep it together and kept skiing on the other side where she announced let go Mommy, I can ski by myself! and that she did 🙂 It was a really wonderful afternoon.

My girl skiing on her own!

Emeraude on her own!

Later that evening, Daniel planned to play hockey and had asked Lloyd if they (Daniel & Emeraude) could pick him up to come along. Lloyd, knowing his sister had been going on about “very much looking forward to watching Daddy’s hockey” could not turn her down. I made them some popcorn to bring and Daniel picked

Daddy & Emeraude on their way to play/watch hockey.

Daddy & Emeraude on their way to play/watch hockey.

up Lloyd.  I guess it had been quite fun for Emeraude as brother had let her call the shots and they had watched for a while then played tag, hide & go seek, and a few other fun games around the rec centre. 

So much action had worked in her favour and Daddy who had promised he would keep her in her own bed, was proud to announce the next morning that it had been quite easy with her only waking up once (way to go you two!).





…between all this fun and adventure there were of course

the necessary trips to Manitouwadge General Hospital for pain meds.  Nothing has changed with the locum regarding possibly trying some treatment to get me back on my feet and I am counting down the days to Dr.Crawford’s return very hopefully (and with many prayers for strength and patience).  My own father was nice enough to play taxi many times as was Daniel after the skiing (I was treated to supper at his house with he & Emeraude after that which was nice for me of course but also enjoyed thouroughly by Emeraude who appreciates opportunities to spend time with both her parents).

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