Sunday Sliding

Still having fatigue issues (living with 7 hour days at best) and needing too many trips to the ER for pain meds to be able to use what little time I do have living.  I was so happy to make it out sliding with Emeraude yesterday (thanks to supper @ Mom’s that I didn’t need to save energy for, taxis from Dad so I could be in good enough shape to make it up the hill over and over and help from Lloyd with bath later in the evening when I had spent all my energy)

We had a great time but only stayed an hour it was COLD and I couldn’t climb anymore but made the most of it and Emeraude was AWESOME. We laughed so much as she kept jumping on her crazy carpet half way up and while still kind of walking which had her sliding down backwards screaming. It was a really great slide! Near the end of our slide Emeraude started squealing as she spotted her brother on his sled down a road we could see from the top of the hill. She was so excited that he had come to see us! He, of course, can never dissapoint her and hopped off his sled to pull her up the hill on her flying saucer something she doesn’t get treated to with Mommy and then took a ride down with her as well. We all laughed our pants off they couldn’t get up they were laughing so hard when they spun and tipped over, with her riding Lloyd more than the saucer, at the bottom. I almost melted watching her fit her little face in between the visor and front of his helmet to talk to him and kiss him, it was too cute.

The photos are from her camera which I might try and use more when photos are intended for this blog as I was able to upload without any editing to shrink the file size (great time saver!).

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