IV Solumedrol Treatment Day1

Well, putting the IV in was a chore… Mary was a doll though, very patient, kept it fun and didn’t get upset that my veins kept poping.  After 6 attempts we finally decided to just go anti-cubital, sheesh. Well, can’t say she didn’t put in a great effort!

This looked much neater when she first did it, the photo was taken more than a day later after I had slept with it. I also MUST mention that she wore gloves and I didn't even ask - AWESOME - somethig I really appreciate as not everyone does.

This looked much neater when she first did it, the photo was taken more than a day later after I had slept with it. I also MUST mention that she wore gloves and I didn't even ask - AWESOME - somethig I really appreciate as not everyone does.

I am hoping that my family doctor will soon address having a new port-a-cath put in to avoid this uneeded stress and make at least one thing about dealing with all this just a little easier (my veins having become inaccessible and letting me have one less thing to deal with was why Dr. Hall had helped me get it put in originally and I had very much appreciated this, I am uncertain why my new family doctor doesn’t seem to understand this or find it is a priority). Getting the old port-a-cath taken out is no less a priority as I have expressed to him repeatedly my concerns regarding having it in there full of clotted blood or whatever the situation may be and wanting it removed. I did appreciate that he had an x-ray taken which did not apparently show any concerns but  he had assured me 3 appointments ago that he did not feel there would be any problem having it done in Thunder Bay this time, since then nothing has happened though. I am becoming increasingly frustrated with him saying things are being addressed and then follow-up not seeming to happen (especially after he was SO critical of me being late and so missing one appointment). The old port-a-cath has hard lumping around it which I showed him of my concerns of possible infection (this after the okay x-ray). I am not certain why he felt himself in a positition to be rude with me about being 1/2 hour late for my  appointment after I had called his secretary to advise  I was accross the street at the emerg (an hour prior to my appointment time) and would be there asap. I was waiting for an injection and Emeraude was with me so going back and forth would have been dificult even had I not been in pain he said I should have left (without my pain meds this would have made our appointment quite useless as it is hard to focus on anything when I am in that kind of pain) and I had been very offended by his being so patrionizing, I did apologized especially when he had to date failed to bring any progress on the things I have listed to any prior appointments.)

ANYWAYS, back to the treatment…

The Steroids were fine. I was in a ton of pain and though I’ve been handed over to Dr.MacT (guess the locum felt over his head, I think I have to agree, they find themselves, locums, in a very odd position when it comes to dealing with chronic illness patients as no doctor likes to make decisions on the fly without knowing a person’s history and I just have more history then time to explain it) and he was good enough to put my pain meds back to q4 but reduced the range to 2-4mg Dilaudid and it’s just not doing it. Last night Mary had a great idea though, I did have gravol available on the order as well and since it was 2am by the time I was near leaving, she thought that maybe the gravol could help knock me out for sleep regardless of the pain and it seemed to work. I’m not too frustrated about it all as I should be back on my feet soon, I have no reason to doubt I will have anything but great results from the steroids as I did last month.

Today I’m again in excrutiating pain; bone,joint,muscles… everywhere but my torso and my shoulder is still feeling disjointed, like my arm isn’t sitting well in it’s socket, I have very little range of motion.

Grandpapa brought Lloyd & Tyler out fishing this afternoon, Grandmaman made them a lunch and Grandpapa actually stayed in the van reading for 4 hrs while the boys walked in to a pond and fished – spoiled boys lol, good for them though! Thanks Dad & Mom

Mom brought back a TON of homeschool crafts/activities and learning activity books from Thunder Bay and when she brought me to the hospital earlier on the way home she had to bring me by her house, unable to wait to show me all the stuff anymore lol. I can’t blame her – I’m so excited to show Emeraude and start working on them this week – AWESOME STUFF!!! thank you Mom!

Last night I finally finished the Masoni ChIP article, (a full day late after being held up in the emerg with the locum being interogated regarding what treatments I’ve tried, long term plans – I didn’t see how this was relevant when I had left work and needed to get back to it and was there for pain, not MS treatment) don’t know yet if they ran it in today’s paper, I was feeling confident about it though and EDC Karen was nice enough to give it a proof read and thought it looked ok so it if its not in today’s chronicle than it should be in tomorrows.

I’m just counting down to when I can go for more pain meds, hoping he’ll be willing to allow me 6mg so that I can be a little useful today – haven’t accomplished much so far.

Emeraude has been with Daddy since after the ID thing yesterday and seems to be having a blast and doing many great activities (it’s nice when Daniel is in parent mode and has the right frame of mind). So I offered that she sleep there again tonight as he isn’t working for a couple weeks and I really prefer she be where she is doing useful, fun, learning, interesting, active things and right now that’s Daddy’s house more than ours (I’m in no shape to do 1/2 of what he’s doing with her today) They even picked up Silver and brought her running, I think at Sand Lake so he is really accomodating her (Emeraude LOVES her dog! and really enjoys her, Daddy, well – not so big on the dog lol)

Anyways, prayers that I can get the pain meds I need… I’m hoping to complete my cover letter for Second Story tonight and maybe even look at at a little scrapbooking or the photos for the edc.

9pm – 21h tonight solumedrol Day2

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