9546-17_04_2009Friday afternoon, Emeraude having woken up I was on my way to the hospital for a dilaudid injection as I watched Lloyd wrap her up in a fleecy blanket to rock her in the rocking chair (what a brother xoxo).  I let her know on my way out that upon my return I had about 1/2 hour of work to do and then we could get suited up to go play in the rain and have some fun before Mommy would have to head out to work (I was covering the training of volunteers for the MasoniChIP Identification Program on behalf of the Chronicle Journal, invited by the EDC‘s Karen, that would be taking place Saturday)… My ride had arrived and I was on my way.

The hospital was slightly more complicated than I had anticipated but not too crazy. Thankfully, Vickie was once again playing taxi driver and so at least I had a very patient ride, and the support that comes with having Vickie accompany me (this is priceless).

I returned home and got to work, researching the Masonic website and familiarizing myself with their program. 30 minutes flew by, and Emeraude was ready to go play!  We went by the Petro Canada first, while there, I let Emeraude chose a small bag (5 items or less lol) of nickle candies as it was after all Friday and I knew Lloyd had plans to enjoy a movie with her.

this was so interesting. Emeraude picked up a leaf and it's imprint was left in the snow as it had kept the ground underneath sheltered while the snow fell all around creating an inverted print.

this was so interesting. Emeraude picked up a leaf and it's imprint was left in the snow as it had kept the ground underneath sheltered while the snow fell all around creating an inverted print.

The rain had stemmed even before we had walked out of the house but there was no shortage of puddles to jump in and Emeraude too full advantage of them! Our walk to the playground was awesome. So nice to have quiet time with her, just listening to her tell stories (fiction & non-fiction) of her day, hear how she interpreted things, enjoying her songs (she can sing about anything! impromptu!).

The Public School Playground was a MESS! Exactly what we had been hoping for lol. There were huge puddles everywhere. I had not (even with Lloyd’s help) been able to find my rubber boots but Lloyd had found me hiking boots labelled water proof.  These inspired no confidence in my regarding their ability to keep me dry were I to venture into the puddles my girl was racing through full speed ahead!

AWESOME! Emeraude, you are one very cool girl!!! I LOVE YOU!

AWESOME! Emeraude, you are one very cool girl!!! I LOVE YOU!

I encourage her to try the ‘big slide’ which had a big puddle on it at the base and then another HUGE puddle (more like a tiny lake) on the ground around the bottom of it. This did not deter Emeraude! She went racing down, splashing through the slide puddle and then flying off the end to land directly in the little lake below. She laughed and laughed! even funnier was the way she had to walk when she got up realizing her pants had taken in water and she was soaked through, we tried wringing out her mittens which were saturated but that was a loosing battle and so she just took them off.

The race is ON! Emeraude & Tinnie are neck to neck in this horse race!

The race is ON! Emeraude & Tinnie are neck to neck in this horse race!

She tried the double slides as well. These had no pooled water at their basees and being much less inclinded I did not think she would fly off the end the way she had on the big one.  She laughed, and slowed at the bottom (see photos) which saved her from sitting in the little lake at her feet. I guess this was not dramatic enough for her because she gave me  a quick look and then through here self down on to her fanny and smiled and laughed some more. lol


It was an awesome adventure. A great way to wrap up our day together (she would be continuing with Lloyd who did a great job, even had her peacefully in bed when I returned later – read post ludicrous locum for an explination on that)


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