Spring Cleaning – flower beds

0012-10_05_20090014-10_05_2009Though I have to be aware of how much physical activity I do, I have come to realize that in regards to living with multiple sclerosis it does not seem to generally make a difference as to fatigue or pain levels afterwards.  Having said that, keep in mind that no two people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis will have the same symptoms… There are similarities, MS is divided into only four types (to my knowledge… check out the National MS Society‘s website for information) but as with any health issues, each of us as individuals must be pro-active and aware of our own bodies/limitations (before beginning any exercise regimen, even if you are healthy, speak to your general practitioner). ANYWAYS, in my case, I have learned that when I can, I should lol… So these days, once I’ve received my pain injections, within about 15 minutes my pain level is usually under control enough that I can enjoy most normal activities. 

my enthusiastic helper... She really is an awesome help!

my enthusiastic helper... She really is an awesome help!


o, yesterday, as the sun was shining bright, Emeraude I decided to pick up where Lloyd had left off on the yard work. Lloyd had raked the front lawn and so we cleaned up the piles he left us and then decided to clean up our flower beds.  The first summer we lived in this house, I was surprised in the spring by a ½ dozen tulips in our flower bed, every year since, I have in the spring & fall, dug these up and separated the bulbs. Yesterday, after Emeraude & dug up the emerging tulips and spread them out planting them further apart, we were thrilled to see that both of the flower beds that run the width of the front of our home are now filled with tulips!!! I’m so impressed with myself (ouch. srry, think I pulled something patting myself on the back lol) and now even more excited to garden this season (one success and I’m feeling like the urban gardener!)

My girl keeps working on the weeds as I pose, lol... she should've posed as I weeded HAHAHA

My girl keeps working on the weeds as I pose, lol... she should've posed as I weeded HAHAHA


e finished just as I was starting to feel like I couldn’t possibly stand on my legs another second and realized my moans had become audible to the kids and so gave Vickie a call to see if she could pick us up for a run to the hospital for a dilaudid injection and hopefully get the pain back in check. Meanwhile, Emeraude & I loaded up into the van (Lloyd & his friends had decided to go for a run on their skateboards and see what people had out for spring clean-up**) to be ready as Vickie arrived. The four of us (her son Joey came along for the ride) went down to MGH, while I received my injection, Emeraude rode her three wheeler in the parking lot, supervised by Vickie and Joey took advantage of the television in the lobby. My favourite nurse was on call and another regular patient was there as well so it actually ended up being a little social and the idea of barbecue was planted in my head.

0019-10_05_2009We came home and Lloyd brought the barbecue out on to the deck that he had cleaned up the day prior. I realized we needed hamburger buns and a few other staples and so the kids went to the Petro-Canada for me… I WISH I would have taken a photo, Emeraude decided to push her grocery cart there (too cute!!! it’s a plastic cart, just her size that her cousins passed on to her) as Lloyd pulled the wagon for when her little legs became tired.  It was just a really nice afternoon.


**In Manitouwadge, spring clean-up is a week when you can put anything to the curb, piles of leaves/brush; large appliances, garbage that has piled up over the winter, you name it – people put it to the curb and so there are sometimes some great finds… As for the boys, they found a super-cool, skateboarding accessory. I’m unsure what it is called exactly but basically it’s a wooden box they can do tricks on with a handle on one end and wheels on the other so that it’s quite easy to move.

More later… time to head back to the playground 🙂 Thanks for visiting!

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