Lion’s Beach with Friends

Building castles.Emeraude and I went to deliver a little tray of treats to Vickie, a small thank you for her having spent her day at telehealth appointments with me. Well, most of her day, she wasn’t always in telehealth appointments, sometimes she was in the emerg watching me get pain meds or driving me back and forth to the emerg or the appointments (sheesh, who else would be so generous with their time?)

We had planned to drop off the treats, Emeraude then hoped to be invited to play for a little while and after we would head to the beach. It didn’t go as planned as she did not receive an invitation but when we were leaving she asked if we could invite them to play at the beach and I thought it was a great idea. She did and  thrilled that her invitation was accepted and as they had a great time playing on the beach, it all worked out fine.

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