Painting in the woods

Painting in the woods…


1750 12_06_2009Friday, I had promised Emeraude a nature walk and though it was getting late and she had also earned a movie night I was committed to keeping my word (I needed some time in the bush with her as much as she did with me) Unfortunately, the time for my next injection was also nearing – as per the usual, many things to do, not enough time to do them in. 

We decided that we would take the wagon, allowing us to bring some supplies and giving her an option if she was not up to walking as far as we intended to go.  First we walked up to the Petro,and she did opt to be a passenger. She had already decided she wanted to watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua again,I even tried reading the storyline on Bolt for her, another dog movie, but cartoon… She declined and stuck to her original selection (she really, really enjoys Beverly Hills Chihuahua lol),because of this, I decided, once at the cash, that we would purchase it. It was only $5 more and I was pretty certain if I did not she would choose to rent it again the next time she earned a movie night lol.

1752 12_06_2009Leaving the Petro Canada we headed towards the snowmobile trail on the end of Graham. I thought we could take it on to the golf course to find somewhere to sit and paint the landscape we would see {I had brought her newest watercolour palette that Grandmaman purchased when out of town which includes a paint brush, as well as some big sheets of paper from a giant colouring book she has that we could use the backs of and a bottle of water for diluting the watercolours}.  

1753 12_06_2009

We were almost set up on the golf course when Ronnie Bourgeois (Becky Gorges’ Husband) drove up in his golf cart… I thought maybe he was just saying hello on the way by to be polite, that would have been better than the embarrassing reason he actually came over lol. Apparently I had us squatted right in the middle of a fairway. He & his friend must have thought I was a total fruitcake as I was so embarrassed at the thought of having parked my daughter in such a silly place that all I could do was keep saying “really” and laughing. Even Emeraude was looking at me like she was wondering why I was being so silly. *sigh* oh well.

We packed up and moved to a better location, onto the nearby snowmobile trail where we looked around, talking about what we could see as we painted. We painted with the paintbrush and our fingers, taking inspiration from the things we could see and mimicking their colours. We also mixed some water with dark dirt that was between the rocks we sat on and painted with that as well (Emeraude really enjoyed that!). It was just a wonderful, beautiful, quiet time… I’m realizing now that I did not take a photo of our finished work but I will do so tomorrow and add it to this post.


Before long, it was time to pack up and continue our walk. Mom had lent me her cell phone as I can never be sure just how far I will be able to walk, and I considered calling her from there as my legs were quite difficult to walk on. The muscles felt like they were too short to make it from my knees to my ankles and of course my bones were excrutiating. Luckily I had great company,Emeraude & I sang and talked about our day and such things.  

1754 12_06_2009We arrived at the hospital, and then Mom did as well, just before I received my injection and we were on our way home to watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua.  I am very much looking forward to our next opportunity to walk into the bush and paint, it was very enjoyable and I think Emeraude got a lot out of it, she definitely enjoyed herself and talked about it quite a bit since. 

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