Port-a-cath removal

Title: Port-a-cath removal
Location: Sault District Hospital
Description: Going to Sault Ste. Marie (unsure yet of how) to have my port-a-cath removed by Dr.S who originally placed it

Start Date: 2009-06-24
End Date: 2009-06-25

This appointment  never happened. Darrell was visiting and would have brought me there and back unfortunately a few things made it impossible to finally have it removed. 1.I had expected that by this time I would no longer be visiting the hospital every 4 hours, however, my doctor continues refusing to prescribe my meds for me to administer myself which at this late date has become the only option left. 2.Darrell was riding his bike, SO… unlikely that I could’ve handled the ride, especially without sufficient pain meds on a timely schedule.

SO, I am very much hoping Dr.Mossing will still be willing to fit me in this fall (by that time things should be straightened out, although they are not  at this point in time.) My family doctor strongly encouraged me to wait until the last minute to cancel, at the last minute however, I was in hospital and in no state to make phone calls. Next time I will go with my better judgement and cancel in a more respectful way – in plenty of time for them to offer my appointment to someone else.

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