The Lord works in mysterious ways…

While at Sunday Service some weeks ago I heard God’s voice. He wanted me to cover an event that was being held in Marathon, Christ’s Day. I will be writting an article about that soon, it was an amazing day and so many were helped, blessed by God’s work through those who would listen to His voice. I had never felt so certain of what God wanted me to do, it was so exciting! I shared this with many people, even wrote about it here { it was suprising to me that those who I thought might think it a joke or maybe doubt what I heard were supportive and encouraging while people who should have understood and certainly have heard His voice themselves at times did not really seem interested and so as the day approached I began to wonder, there were things that came about to make me doubt what I had been so certain of. I tried to express myself to some people involved, let them know what I felt He wanted of me but I am not always very adept at explaining things and somehow His message seemed to get lost in my translation. I tried to share what He wanted of me, and was saddened when it seemed they did not put much weight in it or want to talk, as I felt He had also spoken to me to provide a bridge of sorts to help me connect with those invovled. The night before, I almost decided not to go when I learned that some did not understand that I could have been chosen as photographer and when a friend passed up the opportunity to back up my competence and share that I had been called for this. Then, as I sat awake that night, wondering about it all I could not ignore that He had made it so easy for me. The paper I needed from the hospital was no big deal, Emeraude’s care was no big deal, all this told me that He did have plans for me and that I should not doubt this just because others did not understand or because I had not been able to clearly express what I heard, that just didn’t matter He wanted me going to Marathon and I needed to just go.

The morning we were to leave I still did not know, wondering whether or not my van could handle the drive but that was taken care of as well, the gas station would not be open until 10am – too late – so I would ride with the same friend who has driven me so much in the last couple months to the ER, to appointments and even to Thunder Bay.  It was a fun ride. I felt so inspired and rejuvinated that I knew where I needed to be and what I needed to do. I shared again that I felt confident that everything was going as it should. My freind who was driving was so very excited as well; looking forward to helping those in need… Now, again, I am finding it difficult not to jump into the happenings of Christ’s Day as they were wonderful, beautiful, God blessed so many through those involved. 150 people were fed a wonderful turkey supper, $100,000 worth of groceries, cleaning products and toiletries were distributed to food banks along the north shore and to those who came for supper that evening. The lady in charge was a wonderful woman whose love for God and enthusiasm for His work is absolutely contagious!  But again, that will all be in the article.

After some difficulty finding our group we joined them at last, just in time to hear instructions for the day and say a quick prayer giving ourselves to God to use as His hands & feet & tools so that those in need might be blessed. We left, headed for the hospital as it was time for my pain meds and this is when the day took another wonderful turn, it would seem my photography skills and media connections were not the only reasons God had wanted me to make the trip.

Nurse Jordan, an unexpected angel, whom I thank God to have connected me with.

Nurse Jordan, an unexpected angel, whom I thank God to have connected me with.

We met a nurse, Jordan who connected us to an amazing doctor.  She, like many doctors on our trip to Thunder Bay weeks prior, wondered why I did not have a prescription for the meds that I could administer myself. At this time we did not meet her but she did write a prescription for the injection I had come to the hospital for as they did not have the concentration that would be best for my injection. Jordan was concerned that the concentration of morphine they had at the hospital was too weak for the amount of my order and he and the Dr. hoped the pharmacy would have a more reasonable concentration available. I could not believe it. I had a prescription for these meds that I had asked just last weekend that my doctor give me even one dose to take to White River so that Emeraude and I might go with Vickie and her family for the day and enjoy ourselves but he had refused, passing the buck and saying it would be decided by the pain specialist, who I could not of course speak with on a Sunday (or even anytime since as I tried on 5 seperate occasions during the week that followed). I pleaded with him, reminding him that good mental health is as important as physical well being and that to continue being able to fight MS and deal with all it’s challenges I MUST be able at times to do things that are important to me (his claims of concern seem hard to swallow when no efforts are made to protect at least the health I have left. I have repeatedly told him that since he has refused to titrate my dilaudid -or now morphine – dose properly that I might be able to be physically active my condition continues to deteriorate at an alarming rate, every morning I am less able and this Dr. seemed to confirmed my belief that this is at least in part caused by my decline in physical activity) I knew then that it was rediculous but finally this was confirmed by someone whose credibility cannot be argued and whose opinion should not be ignored.

Vickie was so happy for me. She has sat by my side through so much of this recently and tried to help.

Vickie was so happy for me. She has sat by my side through so much of this recently and tried to help.

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Back at the hospital, we used the meds I had picked up and the nurse taught me how to draw up the meds in anticipation of the day where I might have this option and with it my life back!

So, it turned out that the pharmacy did not have a much better concentration available and so we just took what they had back to the hospital for my next injections for the nurse to use them. Being so close to the possibility of freedom though and having had my requests vindicated as reasonable was so encouraging. In spite of the pain I still had I was walking (actually rolling as I was in the wheelchair)  taller, standing straighter, Vickie even said I was smilling bigger.

I will continue with this story later tonight, right now I must continue working on the graduation article for the Chronicle which was put off for my trip to Marathon. I am having difficulty figuring out where to put in a word about Adrianna Atkins, a great young woman who graduated last week from MHS after 4 years of volunteerism, leadership and diligence both in her academic and athletic pursuits.  It seems I may have to put that together just for here on my blog and stick to the School’s for the grad article I am putting together for the newspapers.

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