Gardening Update

Well, with camping, Powwows, Wadgefest and life, we have severely neglected our indoor sprouts (some now 3 feet tall hardly sprouts anymore) and outdoor garden but yesterday, as Lloyd began mowing the lawn, I raced to weed what I could that he might chop it up with the lawnmower and it become mulch rather than need to bag it and add to the local landfill so needlessly.

As I worked at weeding (it seems understating the job to call it something that sounds so simple! I should have taken before & after photos as it is incredible just how overgrown the flower (/garden) beds had become. Anyways as I did, Emeraude helped now and then taking interest and trying her best to stay involved in a very overwhelming job. To help her feel encouraged that there was a point I cheered when she accidently pulled up a carrot that probably could’ve used another month to grow telling her, which delighted her, that  we could keep it and eat it (as opposed to most of those I pulled accidentally which I re-planted). I found a few more that had greens which made them appear quite big (and a couple were not bad at all as far as size goes, probably about 1/2 the size most people would consider ready) and let her pull those as well.

In the end she had a handful of about 7 that she brought back into the house for Lloyd to rinse off. I lacked some communication skills here and when I finally finished and got in, they were just polishing off supper that Lloyd had been nice enough to prepare with a miniature mug with water in the centre of the table  which had carrots, greens and all, sprouting out of it as their centre peice. In retrospect I feel like a real dummy for not giving Lloyd proper credit for having been so thoughtful to do this, she was thrilled and I didn’t get it (nobody’s perfect but I so dislike when these situations happen and feel like a real flop as a mother, God help me grow and become a better parent everyday) anyways, after supper we finished washing them, trimmed the greens and ate them – YUMMY! they were so flavourful and aromatic it was wonderful and Emeraude was quite proud.

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So proud to be growing food for herself & her family. Emeraude shows one of the smaller carrots we picked this day lol :) xo

So proud to be growing food for herself & her family. Emeraude shows one of the smaller carrots we picked this day lol 🙂 xo

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