Manitouwadge Terry Fox Run


Manitouwadge continues Terry’s dream of $1 for each Canadian

by Karina Hunter

 7278 26_02_2008

Emeraude Charron proudly submits forms and cash totalling $1112 for cancer research

Emeraude Charron proudly submits forms and cash totalling $1112 for cancer research

Emeraude & Grandmaman rolling/walking the Terry Fox Run, Sunday September 13th, 2009.

Emeraude & Grandmaman rolling/walking the Terry Fox Run, Sunday September 13th, 2009.

During the Marathon of Hope, when funds had finally started coming in (not surprisingly while Terry was crossing Ontario) Terry changed his vision of $1,000,000 being raised, to $1 for every Canadian, about 24 million back in 1980.  Well, Manitouwadge has once again shown its incredible generosity and in spite of difficult economic times, massive job losses and other challenges, $2,292 was collected for cancer research at this weekend’s Community Terry Fox Run, easily $1 for each person in our beautiful community.


Mommy helps with a quick change of footwear and Emeraude will continue the run.

Mommy helps with a quick change of footwear and Emeraude will continue the run.

Emeraude runs ahead as we travel the Terry Fox Run course.

Emeraude runs ahead as we travel the Terry Fox Run course.

Irma Passi and friends; Florence Allen, Judy Kett, Vivian Girard and Norma Perry had plenty of snacks and refreshments ready at the Golden Age Club this Sunday where they welcomed and registered participants of the Terry Fox Run.  On display was memorabilia from nearly 30 years of Terry Fox Runs including newspaper articles from Terry’s original Marathon of Hope and photos from past community runs. Also free for those participating were a multitude of Terry Fox Run collectibles such as pins, participation ribbons, tattoos and more.

Participants included organizer Irma Passi who collected the 2nd largest amount of donations, $375 which she unbelievably collected without knocking on a single  

Door prize winners Lloyd White, John Hunter, Emeraude Charron missing from photo is Marlene Turner

Door prize winners Lloyd White, John Hunter, Emeraude Charron missing from photo is Marlene Turner

door! An unidentified participant was in 3rd place with $317 in pledges and very close in 4th place was Ethel Noftal with $313 collected, incredible! The talk of the day however was a local homeschooler, just 4 years of age, who had been knocking on doors for nearly 2 weeks and proudly handed over her pledge forms and cash totaling just $43 less than all other participants combined. 



Marlene Turner registering to get out on her walk.

Marlene Turner registering to get out on her walk.

Lloyd White follows as sister Emeraude Charron on roller skates and their Grandmother lead the way.

Lloyd White follows as sister Emeraude Charron on roller skates and their Grandmother lead the way.

7255 26_02_2008Emeraude

Charron, accompanied by her Mom, big brother Lloyd and proud Grandparents was beaming when she presented organizers with a total of One Thousand-One Hundred-Twelve dollars in pledges ($945 from door-to-door canvassing plus an additional $165 in donations she received online) this exceeding her goal of $1000. The young girl decided to challenge herself further arriving on roller skates which she wore for the 1st half of the 1km course down Manitou Road before switching in to running shoes on Adjala to finish the second half, a long climb up the hill on Osheweeken Road on foot.  1km was a long excursion to complete in any way but the little one, measuring just 3’5” pushed on and with her usual determination and much encouragement from the aforementioned family members, completed the course in just under 45 minutes. 7271 26_02_2008

Emeraude was most proud to share that of all the homes & businesses she had visited (with mom or brother) to ask for sponsorship; not a single one had turned her a way, “Nobody said ‘no’!” Every person she asked in Manitouwadge found it in their hearts to give something. 

 Door prizes were drawn at the end of the afternoon. Lloyd White, Marlene Turner and John Hunter were the lucky recipients of the adult prizes while Emeraude Charron having been the only child in attendance chose something from among the children’s prizes.  

choosing a door prize.

choosing a door prize.



Submitted to The Echo 09.13.09 Published 09.16.09


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