Latest TBDHU H1N1 Update


H1N1 Update

by Karina Hunter

Natalie Labbee didn't even flinch as PHN Jackie Jung,RN adminitered  the H1N1 Influenza Vaccine at Manitouwadge's first Flu Clinic.

Natalie Labbee didn't even flinch as PHN Jackie Jung,RN adminitered the H1N1 Influenza Vaccine at Manitouwadge's first Flu Clinic.

The Thunder Bay District Health Unit (TBDHU) continues to be using a qualitative scale for a more accurate description of flu activity; this scale ranges from no activity to widespread.

For the week ending November 13, TBDHU was rating influenza activity as widespread in our district.  Ontario health officials have also updated their recommendations on H1N1 flu vaccine dosing for children between 3 and 9 years of age.   The updated recommendations reflect findings that suggest that a single half-dose of adjuvanted H1N1 flu vaccine for healthy children may provide an acceptable level of protection from infection from the H1N1 flu virus and include these three components:

  • Children between 6 months – 3 years of age should receive two half-doses of adjuvanted H1N1 flu vaccine, administered at least 21 days apart
  • Children with chronic health conditions who are between 3 and 9 years of age should receive their first half-dose of the H1N1 flu vaccine as soon as possible. They should also receive a second half-dose of the H1N1 flu vaccine. The interval between the two half-doses should be a minimum of 21.
  • Healthy children between 3 and 9 years of age should only  receive a single half-dose of the H1N1 vaccine, and do not need to return for a second vaccine for now

Readers will note that the last item – the recommendation for healthy children between 3 and 9 yrs of age – is of interest as the new  recommendations for this group mean parents who had been told their children needed to return for a second dose of the H1N1 vaccine at the next Flu Clinic no longer need to do so. If a parent has any questions or concern regarding vaccination of their children, they should contact their family practitioner or a local TBDHU office. 

The next scheduled TBDHU Flu Clinic for Manitouwadge is November 24th from 2pm to 7pm at the Theatre of Manitouwadge High School; remember to wear short sleeves and bring identification.  This clinic will include Seasonal Flu vaccination for adults under 65 years of age and H1N1 Flu vaccination for adults 65+. Please remember to be considerate of the nurses, doctors and other volunteers who have worked diligently to ensure clinics in our community ran smoothly. Nearby in Marathon, people waited an average of 2hrs at the TBDHU Flu Clinic; in Manitouwadge large numbers of volunteers and incredible organization meant that average wait times were half that number.  TBDHU Updates are posted here every Friday as they are released. To see the Media Update for November 13th (most recent) visit

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Submitted to The Echo, 11.16.09

The determination is based on a variety of data sources including: school absenteeism, public health lab data, hospital and long-term care facility data, sentinel surveillance of influenza-like illness from physicians, and Telehealth data. This reporting structure is in line with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s weekly requirements, and provides consistency between provincial and local reporting.  

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