Parenting program begins Wednesday

by Karina Hunter

Parenting isn't always a barrell of laughs but help from the experts can equip you learn from the challenges.

Parenting isn't always a barrell of laughs but help from the experts can equip you learn from the challenges.

The Ontario Early Years Centre (OEYC) – Manitouwadge Best Start HUB’s Triple P Program or Positive Parenting Program, begins Wednesday, January 20th, at the Family Place on Oshweeken at 7pm.  Many parents have registered for the series of seminars at which they will receive advice and information on key issues including understanding influenced behaviours, dealing decisively and effectively with specific behaviours, and recognizing and managing emotional difficulties. 

Participants will hear from public health nurse Jackie Jung, RN, CDE, and mental health and addiction counselor Kristy Nicholas thanks to a partnership between the Thunder Bay District Health Unit (TBDHU), North of Superior Programs (NOSP) and the Best Start Hub.  Attendees of the workshop planning to take advantage of the free, onsite childcare being offered are reminded they need to have contacted the Best Start Hub’s Program Coordinator, Kelly Sagle at 826-2883.

Submitted to The Echo, 01.16.10

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