Results of biopsy

Good news to share, I received the results of my skin biopsy that was done last month ( and everything is clear, no cancer! WOOHOOO!!!! What a relief after worrying about it for nearly a year, now I just need to book an appointment in March when work slows down a little bit to get the others taken off which the locum suggested looked suspicious.  (not as worried about them after this really bad looking birth mark type thing turned out to be nothing).

Another good note, I’ve managed in the past couple weeks to lower the amount of pain meds I’m taking… Unfortunately this comes somewhat late after having been unable to do so at Christmas without adequate acupuncture to help manage the bone and joint pain I have.  So now I need to get things straightened in the morning before getting on my way to the Snow Tour, hopefully the local medical clinic is not too busy (not likely but prayers can move mountains).

So, feeling good heading into this very busy month with a lot of travels, on my way to church this morning as I do not want to face this month without a chance to worship first.

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