$3000 Scholarship available!


Creative Prom outfits to win big scholarship

by Karina Hunter

One of my favourites from 2009 this Stuck-at-Prom couple really turned it out!

One of my favourites from 2009 this Stuck-at-Prom couple really turned it out!

It’s that time of year again, prom is around the corner and would-be  attendees across the Canada are in a frenzy as they make the all important decision of what to wear at this year’s graduate celebration.  If you aren’t afraid to make a statement or wear fashion a little out of the mainstream, consider the Stuck at Prom® contest when deciding on your garb for this year’s prom.

Celebrating it’s 10th anniversary, the Stuck at Prom® contest offers students an opportunity to win a $3000 scholarship for themselves, each member of the winning couple receives $3000, and another $3000 for their school just by creating their prom outfit from Duck Tape®.  Sound easy? Well, it could be if you are creative, though entrants 14 years of age and up from across Canada and the US submit photos so you really do have to think out of the box to be in the running, and this year’s contest willinclude online voting so letting people know you are participating couldn’t hurt either.

Another 2009 couple, to view more entrants from the contest's 10 years visit www.stuckatprom.com

Another 2009 couple, to view more entrants from the contest's 10 years visit www.stuckatprom.com

Past year’s winning outfits have included Duck Tape® from every colour in the rainbow and though the rules allow for entries to include as little or as much of the tape as creators see fit, there does seem to be preference for outfits created entirely out of the sticky fabric-like tape more commonly known for its uses around the garage. Participants do not have to be graduating this year and in honour of the 10th anniversary of Stuck at Prom® there will be 20 scholarships awarded for the 2010 contest which ends June 7th; visit www.stuckatprom.com to register and for full contest details.

Submitted to The Echo, 03.10.10  

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