A Different Point of View

My Walk…
“…..cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground……”

Genesis 3:17 and 18

Two months ago those words meant very little to me as I’m not farmer, nor have I ever managed a garden of my own. If the truth be known, I hated the idea of gardening. I hate being out in the hot sun and I hate making myself available as breakfast, lunch and dinner for those nasty, blood sucking insects out there. Being down on my hands and knees is not my idea of fun. Nothing about the idea of gardening ,except the very end results, (the eating of the harvest) was appealing to me. Face it; it’s just so much easier to go to the grocery store and buy what I need to put on the table.

Well, my point of view has done a 180. After reading the book ” The Seven Pillars of Health” by Don Colbert, MD, I’ve come to the realization that what I have been suspecting for years, is something that I can no longer ignore. In short, the food we are eating is killing us. That may sound extreme, but think about it. God said in Genesis 1:29 “I have given you every plant with a seed on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food”. In Genesis 9:3 ” Everything that lives and moves will be your food. I gave you plants as food; I now give you everything else”. God Himself has told us what we need to do to be healthy. We, however, have taken his creation, and mutilated it so much that it now does more harm than the good it was intended to do.

Take white flour for example. Made from whole grain it is very healthy. However the outer shell of the grain is removed, with all its healthy fiber and B vitamins. Then the nutrition-packed wheat germ is removed and sold to health food stores. What’s left is denuded white flour that is made into bread, buns, crackers, pasta and so on. White bread is created from very little on the grain head-the starchy endosperm that’s ground into a very fine powder. Eighty percent of the wheat’s nutrients are gone. After being milled at very high temperatures the remaining grain is damaged by oxidation and has a greyish appearance. No one wants grey coloured bread so the manufacturers bleach it to get the white colour. The bleaching process all but destroys the remains of the vitamins and minerals…but not to worry, low grade vitamins and minerals are added back into it so the label can boast that it is a healthy choice.

Sadly, I have not even come close to touching the tip of the iceberg . What about sugar? Have you ever truly looked at the damage it can do to your body? The pesticides and chemical fertilizers man uses to grow the food we buy in the stores. The trans fats and saturated fats found in margarine, pastries, rolls, cookies and so on. The dyes and food colourings and artficial flavouring added to the stuff we buy. What mankind is doing to the food God gave us to maintain our health is just sad. Sadder still, is the fact that when something goes wrong with a loved ones health, the first one we blame is God. Why not look at the truth of the matter. It’s time to dig in and get our hands dirty.

Needless to say since reading Don Colberts’ book, I’ve been watching what’s going into my body. Very little man made food gets by these lips anymore. I now snack on nuts, dates, prunes, fruit and such. My meals look alot different too. Most mornings I enjoy steel cut oats, or oatmeal type cereal with chopped walnuts, flex meal, wheat germ, blueberries, bananas and other such things piled on. I never imagined totally enjoying oatmeal without mountains of brown sugar on it…but I am. I never dreamed of eating whole wheat spagetti before – actually turning my nose up the first time I bought some, saying to myself I would just have to get used to it (since I do so love my pasta). I cooked it for myself for supper that night and my ten year old daughter kept laughing at me saying “Mom…stop it” cause I kept going “mmmm yummmmy mmm” with every bite..man that stuff is good!

The fruit I buy now is totally washed in soapy water and rinsed thouroughly.

Now I’ve decided it’s time to learn how to garden. I no longer trust that the pesticides the goverment says are okay, are okay. I want to eat organic as much as possible, and I’m thinking the best way to ensure this, is to grow it myself.

I thought it would be fun to record what I learn about the subject of gardening, and how my garden is growing. If you have any suggestions that might help me out, please feel free to email me at




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