Festival Weekend Countdown

Bald Eagle at Hurkett Cove

The Nipigon Recreation Trail near Sawmill point

Dorion’s Canyon Country Birding Festival is only 3 weeks away, and the organizing committee is very excited.
Registrations numbers are over what we had last year at this time and there is still room for more paid registrants.
Final preparations are underway, sponsors have been very generous, and our attendance prize list is growing daily!
The committee has been beating a steady path to the Hurkett Cove Conservation Area, and keeping a close eye on the skies and the water. The migrating birds are returning, and the list of species is growing daily.
The committee also visited The Nipigon Recreation Trail two weeks ago, and although the weather was a bit on the chilly side that day, we enjoyed the visit. The area we will be using promises to offer a great diversity of species. The Trail is in excellent condition, and should be a perfect location for the second morning.
Ouimet Canyon is as of yet unavailable to the public, but our group will be there within the next couple of weeks to check out the trails.

If you are interested in attending, there are still spaces left for both days.  We hope you will consider registering and paying for either day, or both!

Visit www.dorionbirdfest.ca   for registration information.

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