MGH hosts Cancer Information Session


Men & Women taking action against cancer

by Karina Hunter

Local Health Nurse Shirley Saasto-Stopyra (TBDHU) Left with Andrea Smith and Kiri Butter Right.

Last night at the Manitouwadge General Hospital an information session was held titled “Men and Women taking action against cancer” presented by Kiri
Butter and Andrea Smith, representatives of the Canadian Cancer Society’s
(CCS) Northwestern Region Unit from Thunder Bay. 

 The pair informed attendees regarding prevention of the most common forms of cancer; prostate, testicular, colorectal and skin cancers for men and breast, cervical, colorectal and skin cancers for women providing information about early detection and screening of these which people can use in a pro-active approach to their health care.

 Early detection, elaborated the presenters, often means the cancer can be easier to treat, this also increases success rates of treatments.  Recognizing symptoms, getting regular check-ups, being aware and attentive to changes in our bodies and reporting any symptoms to a doctor are among the recommendations which the Canadian Cancer Society wants people to remember. Screening plays an important role in the early detectin of cancer as well; by testing or checking for disease before symptoms present some cancers can be found before a person even notices something is wrong.  These tests can help find cancer at its earliest, most treatable stages and some can help detect precancerous conditions that can be treated before cancer ever develops. 

Information was provided regarding screening programs available both within the region and across Canada as were printed materials from the Canadian Cancer Society.   

If you would like more information regarding the Canadian Cancer Society’s programs and access to links providing vital information to help keep you healthy visit the CCS’s official website at   

Another session had been held in the afternoon at Manitouwadge High School, for information and photos from ‘The Dangers of Tanning” presentation visit  

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