Reversing media poison @ MHS


Northwestern Region Unit of Canadian Cancer Society presents at MHSby Karina Hunte


Smith's friendly demeanor put everyone at ease to get conversation flowing in both directions.

Students at Manitouwadge High School gathered this afternoon for an informative from Andrea Smith of the Canadian Cancer Society’s Northwestern Region Unit from Thunder Bay. 

 Smith promulgated “Dangers of Tanning” to the approximate 100 students, who are, according to the Cancer Society’s research, among those primarily targeted by the indoor tanning industry through false advertising and media campaigns which prey on the teens desire to emulate celebrities and models. Smith was very ‘real’ and engaged the kids from beginning to end with media
references they could relate to and recognize, statistics confirmed as accurate by the audience and participation prizes. 

 Throughout the discourse Smith tossed stress balls out into the audience encouraging the students to continue their enthusiastic participation. When she reviewed information covered by quizzing the kids regarding the myths of indoor tanning, they had no difficulty shouting out facts they had learned. Among the myths dispelled in Smith’s discourse, that indoor tanning is safer than outdoor, that indoor tanning provides a ‘base’ to make tanning safer, that indoor tanning is a safe source of vitamin D, that indoor tanning is a safe way to relax and unwind – all of which are FALSE of course.  After the presentation, Smith and her colleague provided the students with letters to sign for their member of provincial parliament supporting the Skin Cancer Prevention Act which has passed first reading and would restrict the use of indoor tanning equipment by youth and put in place additional measures such as marketing restrictions, equipment registration, and require proper training for staff and ensure warning signs are posted warning consumers of the risks associated with the use of tanning equipment. 

Cancer prevention education will continue tonight at the Manitouwadge General Hospital where Smith and colleague, Kiri Butter, will present “Men and Women Take Action Against Cancer” with information on preventing the most common forms of cancer. 

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