Blind River Going Green


Blind River  – Northern Residents wishing to use green power are welcoming funding for the Blind River Solar Generating Facility that was announced today in Blind River. 

The project which is expected to produce enough electricity to run 1,500 homes a month, will use almost 45,000 solar panels on 285 towers and will be located in Blind River’s industrial park.

“I am pleased to see the government responding to New Democrat calls for green infrastructure and especially glad to see this announcement which dovetails nicely with the recently-passed New Democrat Climate Change Bill,”  said local MP Carol Hughes on-hand for the announcement. 

Northern New Democrat MPs have been working extremely hard to ensure their communities receive a fair-share of infrastructure dollars.

“I am truly glad for the principles involved in this process,” said Hughes.  “I want to congratulate Mayor Gallagher and council, as well as General Manager of the Blind River Development Corporation, Stoney Burton and all others involved for their persistence and hard work on this project that is one step closer to being realized.”

The North Shore Power Group ,which is owned by the town of Blind River, was approved for a $49.5 million loan under the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s  Municipal Infrastructure Lending Program.  

The project will have economic benefits through the ongoing sale of power and maintenance of equipment which is expected to employ up to ten people as well as in the construction phase which will provide up to 100,000 hours of employment for the area.

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