Students do their part for Spring Clean-up

Environmental awareness at l’Orée des Bois


Clearly these students are not easily intimidated.

Friday, May 7th l’École secondaire l’Orée des Bois students, in partnership with the township of Dubreuilville, participated in a Spring Clean-up of the outskirts of their community.  The effort went on throughout Education Week to help encourage the students’ community pride and promote a sense
of environmental responsibility.  Including in their efforts were pick-up of debris and litter along Hwy 519, the ‘truck route’ and area surrounding the drop-off. Afterwards everyone returned to enjoy pizza at the school cafeteria courtesy of the Township.


Les élèves de l'Orée des Bois qui participèrent au 'Grand Nettoyage' avec des représentants du canton.

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