Whitesand Beach Makeover


Whitesand Beach Makeover

by Karina Hunter


SCHREIBER, ON – Saturday, May 15th Whitesand Beach received a much needed facelift thanks to some local and visiting volunteers.


When Jason Nesbitt received the 2009 John Stewart Community Service Award for the Northwest Region part of the award stipulated that Investors Group would donate $300 to a charity of his choice; it was through this donation that the Schreiber Recreation Committee was able to spearhead the clean-up of the popular beach.  


Money isn’t enough however, getting the beach in shape would require people power – volunteers from Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Rossport and even Thunder Bay, ranging in ages from 2 to 67, gathered  to lend their time and efforts to this very worthwhile project. The Township of Schreiber had provided a good start, doing the heavy work the day prior. On Saturday volunteers brought with them shovels, rakes, wheelbarows, quads and trailers to help continue the environmental makeover. 

The team of friends and strangers worked rom 9am until 2pm doing general cleanup, removing litter and seasonal debris and even doing some pruning.  Refreshments and hot dogs were served for all the workers and most made some new friends as the project neared completion.

Years past, the Schreiber Kinsmen Club had taken responsibility for annual clean-up and maintenance of the beach, unfortunately, the group is no longer active and the residents had been noticing for some time that it was in dire need of some TLC (tender lovin’ care), hopefully, beach users will recognize the efforts put in by yesterday’s group and do their part to keep the Whitesand Beach clean.  As they say, when adventuring in nature you should “Take only pictures and leave only footprints”.

The day was a great success, Thank You to all the volunteers who gave their time to clean it up that they and others might enjoy it throughout the 2010 summer season. 

 Those involved may be talking about the day for some time, though not in regards to the clean-up efforts, but rather to share the story of what came after when they helped an American couple get back into their vehicle after the keys had been locked inside.

Thank you to Jason Nesbitt for providing photos from the Whitesand Clean-up.

If you have photos/information from an event you’d like to share, send them to Editor@OntarioNewsNorth.com

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