East Forest fire situation update

East Fire Region

June 8, 2010

Effective Monday, June 7 at 18:00 hrs, the Ministry of Natural Resources has lifted a Restricted Fire Zone (RFZ) that remained in two zones of north eastern Ontario.

The RFZ had been declared for Zones 20 and 21- Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury and North Bay areas – in the East Fire Region on June 4 due to extreme fire hazard conditions at that time.

Campfires are now permitted for cooking and warmth in all areas of northeastern Ontario. However, some municipalities may impose their own burning restrictions.

If you light a campfire ensure it is tended with extreme care. Keep your campfires small, never leave them unattended and ensure they are completely extinguished before leaving.

The Ministry of Natural Resources extends appreciation to residents and visitors for compliance during this period of escalated fire activity and reminds everyone that forest fire prevention is everybody’s responsibility.

Two fires were confirmed on June 7. One in the Chapleau district and one in the Sudbury district. Both fires were small and have been called out. The fire hazard will decrease over the next 3-5 days as precipitation is expected.

Suppression efforts on Wawa 18 continue and good progress is being made on the fire. The fire is listed as being held. Crews are busy actioning hotspots that have been located using infrared scanning.

An Emergency Area Order remains in effect for the area surrounding Wawa 18. Under the order, MNR is prohibiting travel on the following roads: Ripple Lake Road and Bluff Lake Road.

Residents are reminded that if found responsible for a forest fire, they can be charged under the Forest Fires Prevention Act and/or be liable for the costs of suppressing the fire. This cost can easily run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

Be FireSmart, visit ontario.ca/fireprevention for more information on how to prevent forest fires.

310-FIRE (3473) is the new, toll-free emergency forest fire reporting phone number across northern Ontario. The number will operate north of the French and Mattawa Rivers.

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