MNR West Fire Region Update

West Fire Region

There were no new fires reported in the West Fire Region by the evening of May 31. Rain has dropped the hazard to low in most parts of the region and moderate in the eastern sectors including south of Thunder Bay and into the Nipigon District.

The easing of the fire hazard in the west has freed up resources to support firefighting efforts in the East Fire Region.

Aerial patrols of Red Lake Fire 32, northeast of Pikangikum showed few visible smokes. Division Supervisors walking the line with Fire Ranger crews also reported very few smokes on the ground patrol. Infrared scanning of the fire will be done tomorrow to look for hot spots that are not visible to the human eye.

The Forest Fires Prevention Act is the legislation that controls the use of fire.   This Act and its regulations have requirements aimed at reducing forest fires and ensuring public safety. The Act and its regulations spell out safety standards and measures governing the use of fire in the forests and establishes penalties to deter violators and careless users.

310-FIRE (3473) is the new, toll-free emergency forest fire phone number across northern Ontario.

Early detection and reporting are essential to quickly managing forest fires. Having one number will make it easier and more efficient for Ontarians to report forest fire emergencies.  The number will operate north of the French and Mattawa Rivers.

DISCLAIMER: This online map using Google Maps is intended to show the general location of Restricted Fire Zones. The information displayed represents an approximation based on current data in the Ministry of Natural Resources' database. In case of differences between what information is displayed and the actual RFZ Order, the latter shall be deemed correct.

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