5 New Fires in East Fire Region

Forest fire situation update

East Fire Region

July 23, 2010

Five new fires were confirmed on July 22. Sudbury 128, near Lake Penage, was 0.1 hectares and has been called out. Algonquin Park 4, located in the southwestern section of the park, was 0.1 hectares and has also been called out. North Bay 65, near Sturgeon River Provincial Park, has been called out. North Bay 66, southeast of Lavigne, is under control at 0.1 hectares. Hearst 35, southeast of Smoky Falls, has been called out.

Campfires are part of enjoying the outdoors, however, each year campfires cause many wildfires. To ensure your campfire doesn’t become a wildfire make sure you check for local restrictions, use a designated fire pit if one is available, keep water and a shovel nearby, never leave your fire unattended and make sure your campfire is completely extinguished before leaving the site.

Be FireSmart, visit www.ontario.ca/fireprevention for more information on how to prevent forest fires.

Residents are reminded that if found responsible for a forest fire, they can be charged under the Forest Fires Prevention Act and/or be liable for the costs of suppressing the fire. This cost can easily run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

To view the current forest fire hazard in your area, click here to view the Fire Danger Map.

310-FIRE (3473) is the new, toll-free emergency forest fire reporting phone number across northern Ontario. The number will operate north of the French and Mattawa Rivers.

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