Terrace Bay Downtown Update

Construction is in full swing on the $3 million Terrace Bay Downtown Revitalization Project.  The 50 foot lighthouse attraction, which is the centre piece of the project, is gradually being assembled with the metal structure going into place.  The foundation was poured in July and the lighthouse is on schedule to be completed in October.  The top part showing to visitors is the bottom of the viewing platform as there will still needs to be erected the observation deck with roof  and the distinctive beaver weather vane.  The Municipality recently began transitioning to its new brand by incorporating a new corporate logo based on the lighthouse and developing different marketing materials in partnership with Shout Media from Thunder Bay.  The Municipal entrance signs are also being constructed on the highway on either side of the Township and the base has been poured with stonework to begin shortly.  The most visible part of the construction is the significant renovation being done in Simcoe Plaza as sidewalks have been demolished, column bases are being formed, and areas are being cleared for the building of outdoor sitting areas.  A large hole has been dug between CIBC and Costa’s food market and the nine foot depth is required for the necessary amount of fill and foundation to be put into the sandy conditions.  An entrance gateway structure will be put into that location to showcase the plaza to the highway.  A few local businesses have commented that they are surprised about the interest from the region with numerous visitors coming from Thunder Bay and other towns in the region to see the construction.  The construction has resulted in a minor disruption to some of the businesses on the plaza, but special care is being paid to ensure entrance ways are clear and materials are being taken away from the site as quickly as possible.  The Township is maintaining an up-to-date webpage on the project which visitors can find by googling “Terrace Bay Downtown” or visiting www.terracebay.ca/drp.

Lighthouse construction

Lighthouse Construction

Entranceway signage construction

Entranceway signage construction

Column work in front of Costa's Food Market

Sitting area being constructed

Sitting area being constructed

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