Promoting Sustainable Development In The Far North

McGuinty Government And First Nations Reach Important Milestone

Cat Lake and Slate Falls First Nations and Ontario have released a draft community based land use plan that identifies areas for protection and sustainable development in the Far North.

The Cat Lake-Slate Falls Land Use Draft Plan describes the importance of ongoing traditional use and identifies:

  • Boreal forest areas for protection, including areas with key ecological features such as habitat for endangered species and waterways
  • Areas suitable for carefully managed sustainable development in tourism, forestry, mineral exploration and mining.

The Far North Act provides a foundation for First Nations and Ontario to work together as partners on land use planning in the Far North.  This is also part of the Open Ontario plan to support the region’s economy and environment. 


  • One community based land use plan has already been completed and two other land use plans have also been drafted.
  • Four other First Nation communities are making significant progress towards the preparation of a community based land use plan and 25 First Nation communities are engaged in discussions with the province regarding land use planning.
  • The Far North makes up 42 per cent of the province’s land mass.
  • The recently passed Far North Act supports the eventual protection of at least half of the Far North or approximately 225,000 square kilometres through community based land use planning.
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